Long Island Wine Country: A Look into Long Island Wine Culture
Aug 21, 2019 12:39 PM Back

Long Island, at least the East End is commonly known as wine country.  That means lots of Long Island and Tri-State area couples tying the knot at one of our infamous vineyards.

For those looking to truly wine and dine their guests here are a few winetastic facts about wine culture…and what you may want and need to know to truly impress your guests.
The Tradition of Toasting:  You can thank the Romans for this customary practice. In fact the Romans put actual pieces of breast/toast in their vino as a way to tamper down its acidity.

Give Your Wine Some Breathing Room: Giving wine just the right amount of air is what makes wine devine. When too much air hits your wine it tends to “sour”/deteriorate but not enough air can be just as detrimental to its taste. Wine aficionados know that achieving this delicate balance means not only choosing the right grapes and the right wine but also the right wine aerator.

Vegan Vines: Obviously wine, in and of itself is made of grapes and therefore perfect for any palette including those that are vegetarian and vegan. But, experts advise reading the label first. Why? Well, because many fine wines are refined by filtering them through gelatin and other animal products.

Let the Good Wines Flow: A bit of trivia. Italy has a fountain flowing with free wine…and yes, we said FREE.

Fine Wine (like cheese) Only Gets Better with Age: The oldest bottle on wine, traced back to 325 A.D. remains on display in a museum in Germany (to this day)

Great Smelling Selections: Seasoned sommeliers know that it’s their nose that ultimately knows how fine a wine really is even before they taste it. Yes, it’s a marriage of both sense of smell and taste that allow for the ultimate wine experience. And, yes, women are better at making this delicate discernment than men are.

Tiny Bubbles in the Wine: This famous song made popular by Don Ho (back in the day) and typically associated with champagne, a highly acclaimed fine wine, probably dates back to the ancient Greeks. They believed that bubbles in the wine were from the reaction of the wine with the phases of the moon which they also blamed on evil spirits.

Barrels of Fun: Did you know that most fine (European) wines are aged in French wine barrels that are on average about 170 years old…and that’s what makes them so pricey.

Variety is the Spice of Life: There are over 10,000 varieties of wine grapes. A refined sommelier is expected to know and understand each and every one as well as where they grow.

Madeira Wine is Part of American Culture and History Thanks to the English: When the Declaration of Independence was finalized its signage was celebrated with a Madeira wine toast. The wine was imported to commemorate the King of England’s impending visit. However, when he failed to show up they used it to toast the Declaration.

California Wine Culture: Before being known for its fine wines…this coastal wine hub was known for its pristine prunes.

Toast to Your Health: Red wines are known for containing resveritol, a chemical found in grapes and said to promote wellness (if consumed in moderation) and shown to reduce heart problems and serve as a free radical remover.

Fruits of the Vine: A new planting of wine an take anywhere from 3-5 years before being ready for the harvest….not necessarily the most fruitful endeavor for most beginners.

Singing Praises During Prohibition: While prohibition was certainly not good for business, some wineries were able to survive…primarily by serving a higher power and making sacrament wines for churches.

A Bunch of Fun Facts: Did you know that it takes about 75 grapes to fill one glass of wine? Also one bottle of wine is equal to 750 ml or 2.4 pounds of grapes and will fill 4 glasses of wine.
If you live on or near Long Island we recommend taking advantage of one of our many magnificent wineries for your special day. Perhaps host your bachelor or bachelorette party here and give your friends and family a tasteful celebration including a tour of the winery and a behind the scene look at how some of their favorite local libations are made.
Long Island Wine Country: A Look into Long Island Wine Culture
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